Tangent: my first e-book publication and a contest

As described in my profile, I'm not only a runner but also a writer. Some of you may have visited my writing blog , but for those who haven't, I'm taking a tangent from running chat to announce my first e-book publication. I have two wild and crazy pets who are so adorable and fun. Lance is an English Springer Spaniel and Ringo is a long-haired domestic cat. A few months ago, I started writing fictionalized short stories from their perspective. I started a blog to promote the stories. Contest: Right now, I'm running the first contest on the Lance & Ringo Tails blog. Click the link, post a comment anywhere on that blog, and you'll be to entered to win a set of handmade bookmarks. Tail One: The first story is available now. Click the title to purchase for $0.99 in the Kindle Store. Amazon Prime members can borrow for free. O Brother, What Art Thou? I'm already working on Tail Two and having a ton of fun with these stories. I hope to have a...