Summer Sum Up

Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. Humperdink is.... Wait, no, that's another story. Today, I'm back after a long time lapse. I've blogged about writing quite a bit over at Writing for the Love . But it's been a tough summer for running. I feel like that every summer, but this one felt worse than others. It didn't rain as much as usual, and I have a theory that the heat index was higher because of it. The humidity...killer. Although my running suffered from consistency this summer, I still ran fairly regularly. Thanks to the bi-weekly group runs at St. Pete Running Company , I was able to join in a few times and ran with friends new and old. The Blackjack group run. I'm in pink in the center. We all got two cards on the way out and back. At the store, we could hit or stay. Winners got a prize. They think up such fun things for the group runs. More on the SPRC below. On Wednesday mornings, I got up early to meet a friend, Te...